This is Heading 1
This is Heading 2
This is Heading 3
This is Heading 4
This is Heading 5
This is Heading 6
This is my second website.
This is the second line.
This is a paragraph. I want to bold this sentence.
And this is also part of the paragraph.
I want to bold this text.
This is another paragraph. I want to italicize this sentence.
And this is also part of the paragraph.
I want to italicize this text
Steps to learning HTML:
- List item one
- List item two
- List item three
Grocery list:
- Coffee
- Decaf or Regular
- Hot chocolate
- Hersheys with whipped cream
- Milkshake
- Vanilla or chocolate
This is a link to Google
This is a link to my first practice page
Go to first paragraph